Tag: customer service and support

Value of Software Maintenance and Support

August 27, 2009 We pride ourselves on the value we provide our customers for maintenance and support, whether it is on our own software products, or on the Clarify software products we also support. I have writtenfrequently about the level of service we provide, often citing customer examples to back up our claim.   We are often asked by customers who are considering switching to our Clarify Help Desk Program why we are better than Amdocs. Here’s what we highlight - First, Dovetail charges considerably less than Amdocs charges for support. In tough economic times, this is an important factor. We then talk about our customer service and how our customer support staff is top notch and the service they provide is fabulous (OK, I’m bias, but our references back us up). We go on to say how support cases are immediately handled by…

Record 1st Quarter Through Superior Customer Service

April 8, 2009 In one of our recent blog posts we wrote about how important great customer service is to keeping your current customers during these difficult times. Our just completed first quarter speaks towards the importance of great customer service.   We had a record first quarter for Dovetail Software. Customer Service had a lot to do with this. First, we had a 100% renewal rate with all our current customers. Added on top of this, we secured a number of new support customers from one of our competitors. Why were we able to achieve this? Two reasons: 1) We offer great customer service (in fact, superior to our competition) at a lower price; and 2) This competitor (I will refrain from naming them) doesn’t care about their customers. Let me elaborate.   Our philosophy in our company is to do whatever it takes to…

Maybe Amdocs Should Call Dovetail for Clarify Support

February 16, 2009 Last week, I blogged  about a recent support issue an Amdocs customer was facing. They had contacted Amdocs, but couldn’t get assistance. We helped the customer solve the problem even though we have no support agreement with that customer. Well, we are at it again.   Last week, Jorge posed a question on ITtoolbox for the Clarify experts. Seems Jorge “tried Amdocs' tech support but they said it would require an enhancement ($$$) of their doing.”  Not content to have another Amdocs customer go away unhappy, Gary Sherman solved Jorge’s issue. You can see the full exchange , but as you can see below, Jorge got the answer he was looking for:   Reply from jcruz1965 on 2/16/2009 10:32 AM “Hi Gary, I was able to squeeze on some time on Friday and implement your fix in our development system. Worked flawlessly. I now have to talk to the business…

Daylight Savings Time (DST) Impacts Clarify Database (and Rest of World)

Static image February 27, 2007 Those who have called Daylight Savings Time a folly from the beginning may snicker at the Congressional decision to alter the dates, but those who have anything to do with software aren’t laughing. Changing the dates of the Daylight Savings Time active period, for the first time in decades, will throw a lot of clocks out of sync.   Dovetail engineer Steven Weintraub has compiled a list of dates affected by the new law, and instructions to update Daylight Savings Time (DST) in the Clarify database   “This requires a good knowledge of CLARIFY database setup and SQL. This is a problem. I am sure Clarify is providing a solution for those using Clarify support – but this does not help the many customers who have stopped paying support.   “For those customers (and this blog post is for you) – they have to…

Top Ten Reasons to Switch from Clarify to Dovetail

Static image January 8, 2007 We surveyed users of Amdocs Clarify CRM systems to find out the primary reasons they incorporated, or migrated completely to, Dovetail Software’s CRM system, and their .NET platform, Dovetail SDK.   The following evaluations are in no particular order. Customer responses are edited for clarity. These are the ten most common themes we hear today, from mostly IT and some business folks.   1. DISTRIBUTION Dovetail’s cost per license is vastly lower than Amdocs Clarify. Dovetail’s agent-facing apps look and feel like Clarify, so no additional training is needed.   Comments: “awesome ability to expose data to the enterprise”; “now running twice the number of users on Dovetail, no way we could have done this with Amdocs”; “we were looking for a richer client-side experience.”   2. STRATEGY Eliminating Java, native applications written in .NET. Using thin clients.   Comments: ”.NET is our strategic platform going forward”;…