
Google Desktop vs Outlook 2007

March 27, 2007 Yesterday Scott asked me if Google Desktop Search (GDS) works with Outlook 2007. I just started using the new Outlook so I didn't know. Let's settle this with a screenshot: I did a search in Outlook 2007 and found 2 hits. The Google Desktop Search widget returned 47. Which would you find more useful?

Texting can be better than a phone call

Let's take a detour away from code for a bit. Don't worry I'll stick close to technology. Let's talk mobile phones. I enjoy sending text messages. Texting as all the cool kids say. We could call it what it is, a basic phone to phone instant message. In my opinion texting it is THE killer  communications app for great unwashed technophobic masses flittering here and there away from PCs, away from technology. People who are just being outsideliving their lives. The trouble is people age 25 and older usualy don't know how to do it. It is easy and T9 is your friend. I'll talk more about the how some other time but for now I'll stick to the why.   Most people have a mobile phone with them at all times. If I need to give you a piece of information the simplest most non-invasive way to…

How the source code of our website affects recruiting

March 26, 2007 I was recently on an initial phone screen with a candidate for a developer position here at Dovetail, and towards the end of our conversation, I asked him if he had any questions. After a few standard ones, he asked me about our web development standards, especially in the area of HTML standards, use of CSS, etc. I answered, especially gearing my answer towards how we approach these topics in the current web application project that we're working on, and explaining how we've worked especially hard over the last year or so at improving our development methodologies and work product. He noted that my answer didn't jibe with the code on the website. He noted that the site makes heavy use of tables (for non-tabular data), lots of embedded styles (as opposed to CSS), bad class naming (class="table3", class="style15"),…

Trackbacks are good

March 23, 2007 Once again, Hugh MacLeod's hits another one out of the park with a cartoon drawn on the back of a business card. Hugh: Blogging is not about creating yet another sales channel. If you don't read Hugh's blog yet - what are you waiting for? Just subscribe already.

Schema changes are a breeze with SchemaScript

One of our users came to me this week with a request to expand the size of the contact's job title field. Apparently people now have ridiculously long titles such as Assistant to the Regional Director of Synergistic Business Alliances, Northwest Montana Region. Using a simple SchemaScript and the Dovetail SchemaEditor, this change is trivial. Here's my complete script: <schemaScript xmlns="">       <updateColumn table="contact" name="title">          <length>100</length>     </updateColumn></schemaScript> Because I have an XSD that defines what schema scripts should look like, and I used Visual Studio to create my script, I know that my script is valid before actually running it with SchemaEditor. It for some reason I had a typo or I didn't close a tag, VS would visually let me know.With my script in place, I simply run SchemaEditor to apply the changes: schemaeditor.exe -apply Output Report: Dovetail SchemaEditor Difference…

Cool tutorial videos from Microsoft

The website now has a set of "How do I" videos, including ASP.NET, AJAX, SQL Server 2005 Express, and intros to new technologies such as LINQ. I really like how they start with the basics, such as: #1 What is a database?  I think these are cool not only for the content, but for the format: bite-size chunks of self-learning. Taking it to the next level, why not incorporate this style of tutorial directly into your application? That would be much nicer than reading the typical user manual. Good stuff.

Vista printed

Turns out I simply needed to download the drivers from HP and add the printer addressing it via IP. Add a network, wireless, yadda yadda printer. Try "The printer I want is not listed." Even though it like is.  Add a printer using TCP/IP Enter the IP of the printer. For our environment I could only figure it out by walking up to the printer and tapping on the menu button in a frenzy until I found the screen that told me what the IP was. Figuring this out for your printer is up to you. Good Luck. a few more screens... then Test page printed fine. IM Software Trillian Arista - Alpha IM client I was using that started acting weird in Vista. Trillian 3.1 Pro IM client I LOVE that does appears not to work in Vista. Live Messenger - Crappy…

Vista printing

March 22, 2007 Gah! I tried adding our office printer. No dice. Turns out we do not have x64 drivers installed. One more thing to go figure out.  More Software Windows Live Writer (beta) - to complete this post Paint.Net - to post the image above Windows Mobile Device Center - for my Smartphone

Vista – rinse lather repeat

Oh happy day. After three years kicking around on the same development box I got a new machine (Dell 9200 loaded up nicely). I decided to explore using Vista for development so I wanted to chronicle my experiences installing Vista (twice) and getting it tooled for development usage. Vista out of the box The install went very smooth nothing of note no driver issues and Windows Update quickly brought vista up to speed with drivers that were missing. This went smoother than my install of Vista on an older home machine. I was/still am in driver hell. After adding the machine to the domain I quickly realized that I should add my domain account as an administrator as every time I tried to install a piece of software I was asked for an admin password.  I likely could have invoked all…

Extending SuperEmailClerk.NET to call your own APIs

March 20, 2007  SuperEmailClerk.NET (SEC.NET), when running in API Invoke mode, will invoke requested APIs and return the results in a reply email. SEC.NET can be configured to execute API toolkits purchased from Dovetail Software, such as the ClearSupport toolkit, or custom-built APIs. This post will walk through creating a custom API in .NET that can be invoked by SEC.NET. The example will be a CreateAddress method. Even though there is an existing CreateAddress method in our Interfaces toolkit, we chose this as an example because it illustrates how to use the AdditionalFields property of the Toolkit Setup objects, which allows you to re-use our toolkits, but with an unlimited number of additional fields being set. Overview of the steps involved: Create a SecApiInvokeExample class with a CreateAddress method Create a SecApiInvokeExampleTests class for our tests Create the tags and subtags and add these to the…