Vista printed

Turns out I simply needed to download the drivers from HP and add the printer addressing it via IP.

Add a network, wireless, yadda yadda printer.

Try “The printer I want is not listed.” Even though it like is.

 Add a printer using TCP/IP

Enter the IP of the printer. For our environment I could only figure it out by walking up to the printer and tapping on the menu button in a frenzy until I found the screen that told me what the IP was. Figuring this out for your printer is up to you. Good Luck.

a few more screens… then

Test page printed fine.

IM Software

  • Trillian Arista – Alpha IM client I was using that started acting weird in Vista.
  • Trillian 3.1 Pro IM client I LOVE that does appears not to work in Vista.
  • Live Messenger – Crappy MS advertisement laden garbage of an IM client that I will use until I can figure out what is up with Trillian.