Tag: clarify amdocs

More fun with Powershell

September 11, 2009 I was recently working on porting some existing ClearBasic batch (cbbatch) scripts to PowerShell. I’ve blogged in the past about using our SDK with Powershell. For this particular project, I had multiple scripts to port, and I was looking to extract some common functions and utilities, so that they could be used between multiple scripts. Configuration When using the Dovetail SDK, one of the first tasks is to load up the configuration information and connect to the database. That would normally look something like: $connectionString = “Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=dovetail;uid=user;pwd=pass" $databaseType = “MSSQL”;     [system.reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("fcsdk") > $null; [system.reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("FChoice.Toolkits.Clarify") > $null; $config = new-object -typename System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection; $config.Add("fchoice.connectionstring",$connectionString); $config.Add("fchoice.dbtype",$databaseType); $config.Add("fchoice.disableloginfromfcapp", "false"); $config.Add("fchoice.nocachefile", "true"); #Create and initialize the clarifyApplication object $ClarifyApplication = [Fchoice.Foundation.Clarify.ClarifyApplication]; if ($ClarifyApplication::IsInitialized -eq $false ){    $ClarifyApplication::initialize($config) > $null; } Code for re-use I didn’t want to repeat that in multiple scripts,…

Displaying text using a fixed width font in the Clarify Client

September 2, 2009   We received a request recently about how to deal with some text in the system that was formatted using a fixed width font.   For example, a customer might send in an email that contained some text that was laid out in a nicely formatted table structure. Such as this:   5.17637 |-----+-----+--------------+----------+--+-------+----------+-----+-----| | | JD00| firma ip | gumpendor| 1| Wien | Empfänger| fa. | 05.0| | | 0010| österreich | ferstr. | 0| | verzogen | nich| 8.20| | 5239| 4300| gmbh - | 19-21 | 6| | | t | 09| | 1478| 0140| | | 0| | | mehr| | | | 6959| | | | | | da!!| | | | 22 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----+-----+--------------+----------+--+-------+----------+-----+-----|     But,…

Manually removing a view from the Clarify schema

July 31, 2009 I had one of the views in my database end up in a really bad state recently, so I had to manually drop the view. This is mostly a post so I have it as a reference should I need to do this again in the future. Google search FTW. SQL statements to manually remove a view (on MSSQL) Here I'm removing table_fc_user_case_view with id of 4650 delete FROM adp_view_field_info  WHERE view_type_id = 4650 delete  FROM adp_sch_info  WHERE type_id = 4650 delete  FROM adp_view_join_info  WHERE view_type_id = 4650 delete  FROM adp_tbl_name_map WHERE type_id = 4650 drop view table_fc_user_case_view

Clarify interview questions

July 1, 2009 There was a recent discussion in the Clarify CRM Professionals group in LinkedIn regarding the GeekInterview Clarify CRM Interview questions. (and no, I didn't have anything to do with these questions) Take a look - what do you think? Are these good questions? Are the answers accurate? Are they the kind of questions you would ask if you were at Amdocs and hiring an employee? Are they the kind of questions you would ask if you were hiring an Amdocs/Clarify consultant to work on your project? What questions would you ask? I posted my comments in the Clarify CRM Professionals group in LinkedIn - but my short answer is I think these questions are terrible. What say you, dear readers?

Creating Bug-Free software

June 4, 2009 I've heard some rumblings of late about software companies claiming that they have bug-free software, while behind the scenes they are simply closing bugs that have been opened without actually fixing them. Well, this is certainly a much easier way to create bug-free software that actually having disciplined engineering practices. We can do this pretty easy by simply creating a business rule that calls a script. The business rule Object Type: Change Request Rule Name: Bug Free Rule Set: Best Practices Start Event: Create Conditions: None Action Title: Go bug free Message Type: Command Line Start Action: 0 minutes From: Event Creation Using: Elapsed Time Command Line: C:WINDOWSsystem32WINDOW~1v1.0powershell.exe C:workPowerShellScriptsGoBugFree.ps1 "[Object ID]"   The Script GoBugFree.ps1: $IdNumber = [string] $args[0]; $ClarifyApplication = [Fchoice.Foundation.Clarify.ClarifyApplication] $ClarifySession = $ClarifyApplication::Instance.CreateSession() $qualityToolkit= new-object FChoice.Toolkits.Clarify.Quality.QualityToolkit( $ClarifySession ) $bugSetup = new-object FChoice.Toolkits.Clarify.Quality.CloseCRSetup($IdNumber) $bugSetup.Status = "Will Not Fix" $bugSetup…

A plethora of uses for Dovetail Mobile

May 27, 2009 Dovetail Mobile has quickly become one of my favorite products. Although it was originally designed for use on Mobile devices, it seems that I'm constantly coming up with new ways to use it. On a Mobile Device In its original intended state: on a mobile device.   On the Desktop As I've shown before, a little bit of styling makes it pleasant to use on the desktop.     Within a Google Gadget From a previous post: Clarify / Amdocs / Dovetail access from a Google Gadget     Within Outlook You can easily add a folder in outlook that points to a URL. That makes it easy to incorporate Dovetail Mobile within Outlook. This is easy to setup. Create a folder in Outlook, right-click on the folder, choose Properties. Check the box that says "Show home page by default",…

Clarify / Amdocs / Dovetail access from a Google Gadget

April 27, 2009 I was playing with Google Gadgets a bit lately, and wanted to see what I could do with creating a gadget for Clarify / Amdocs / Dovetail.Gadgets are simple HTML and JavaScript applications that can be embedded in webpages and other apps.Google has good details on gadgets - how to use them, how to create them, etc.Here's what I came up with: What can we do with this gadget?Review my open cases:Review recent activity for your workgroup (in this case, the user belongs to the Administration workgroup):Work a case, including workflow (assign, dispatch, etc.) log phone notes, send email, review the case history, change status, close the case, etc. :  Search the knowledgebase (solutions), cases, or both:access the knowledgebase (solutions):There's a few other things you can do as well, but you get the point. How is this done?In all honesty, it's actually…

SMS notifications and alerts

April 6, 2009 Notifications and escalations generated by Rulemanager are an integral component of the Clarify/Dovetail system. Traditionally, email and in-application notifications are the most common notification delivery mechanisms. Digital pagers were popular years ago, but are pretty much non-existent today.   With mobile devices (iPhones, Windows Mobile, BlackBerrys, etc.) becoming almost ubiquitous, we can look to using these devices for notification delivery. And they all share a common communication platform - SMS. SMS (Short Message Service) is commonly referred to as text messaging.   So let's look at how we can use SMS as a delivery mechanism.   A while back, I detailed how to use Twitter as a notification channel, and then use Twitter to send SMS messages.   If we don't want to be coupled to a service like Twitter (which doesn't have guaranteed delivery, SLAs, etc.), we can use a very similar process, but instead…

The "From" Address of a Log Email

March 31, 2009 When sending an email out from a case (Log Email), Rulemanager is responsible for delivering the email. Rulemanager uses a template (com_tmplte) to determine the format and details of the actual email. These templates can be configured to specify a from address. Unfortunately, this configuration does not always work as expected when using the Clarify Rulemanager. Lets take a closer look at the template itself, as well as the differences in how Clarify Rulemanager and Dovetail Rulemanager each use this template.The send_email_about_obj templateWhen sending an email out, the send_email_about_obj com_tmplte is used.This template looks like:TO: <FOCUS.recipient>, <FOCUS.cc_list>FR: <FOCUS.sender>RE: Regarding Case Number <ADDITIONAL_INFO><FOCUS.message>Notice that the com_tmplte has an "FR:" token in it, presumably so that one can set the From address.Clarify RulemanagerWhen the Clarify Rulemanager sends an email, it does not interpret the FR: token as a From token - instead,…