Tag: agent

Using Broadcasts to Share App Tips

December 8, 2015 BroadcastsOne of the features in Dovetail Agent is Broadcasts. I described them in a previous post.A broadcast is used to communicate a message to all users.Broadcasts appear in the user’s notification drawer – along with Notifier messages (such as from business rules).Notice the megaphone icon which helps identify it as a broadcast.Tip of the weekOne of the ways I’ve been using broadcasts here at Dovetail is to share application tips.I do it once a week, on Mondays, so my users get a Tip of the Week.Collection of TipsNotice the broadcast also includes a link to View Past Tips. This is a link to a solution within Agent that contains the collection of tips.So when I add a new tip, I create it as a broadcast, and update the solution with the new tip.SummaryThere you go – a tip about using…

What’s New in Dovetail Agent 5.6

August 13, 2014 This week we released Dovetail Agent 5.6. Here’s a summary of what’s new in this version. Queries With this release, we've really amped up the querying functionality.  I’ll have another post soon that covers querying in more detail, but here’s a quick summary: A new Queries page, allowing user to easily access My Queries, Subscriptions, and Shared Queries Easily create a new query from the Queries page Queries can now be shared to another user, to a workgroup, or to everyone Shared queries can be subscribed to, which indicates that it's a query that you're interested in. These are queries that you may run occasionally, but aren't quite to the level of a favorite. Queries can now be starred/favorited. Favorite queries are queries that you run frequently, or want easily accessible. These show up in the left sidebar under the…

Case History enhancements in Dovetail Agent

March 4, 2014 We’ve done a lot of work recently to improve case (and subcase) history within Dovetail Agent 5. It feels much cleaner, is easier to read, and just feels pleasant. Plus there’s some cool new features. Here’s a few highlights.     Avatars Avatars for users, applications, and customers are shown. Notice that there is an avatar for Annie (who is a employee/user), Scott (who is a contact), and for Dovetail SelfService (an application). And the avatars are clickable links. If the avatar is for a user/employee, the link goes to the employee page. If it’s a contact, it goes to the contact page. Reverse Chronological Order Notice that the history shows the newest entries at the top, similar to many current social apps (facebook, twitter, etc.) More context - via Application When an entry happens via an application, we show…