What’s New in Dovetail Agent 5.6

This week we released Dovetail Agent 5.6. Here’s a summary of what’s new in this version.


With this release, we’ve really amped up the querying functionality.  I’ll have another post soon that covers querying in more detail, but here’s a quick summary:

  • A new Queries page, allowing user to easily access My Queries, Subscriptions, and Shared Queries
  • Easily create a new query from the Queries page
  • Queries can now be shared to another user, to a workgroup, or to everyone
  • Shared queries can be subscribed to, which indicates that it’s a query that you’re interested in. These are queries that you may run occasionally, but aren’t quite to the level of a favorite.
  • Queries can now be starred/favorited. Favorite queries are queries that you run frequently, or want easily accessible. These show up in the left sidebar under the Queries heading.
  • Query results can be downloaded as a Comma-separated (.csv) or Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) file
  • Prompt-able filters, which prompt the user for a value when the query is run.
  • Improved the layout and styling of the queries page, including the filters and menu.
  • Sort order is now remembered for each query for each user – even shared queries.
  • The Workgroup filter now allows a user to select {{MyWorkgroup}} which is dynamically resolved to the current user’s workgroup name.
  • The Owner Login Name filter now allows a user to select {{MyLoginName}} which is dynamically resolved to the current user’s login name.





This allows a user to impersonate another user. Great for managers who need to login as one of their employees and reassign their work, view their commitments, etc. Similar to the old Switch User functionality within Clarify.


  • By choosing to impersonate another employee you will access the application as if you logged in as that employee.
  • You see the impersonated employee’s workspace, and have complete access to the impersonated employee’s objects.
  • All actions you take as the impersonated employee are recorded as if performed by that person.
  • You may only impersonate employee’s who have been defined to Allow Proxy.
  • Once you are are done impersonating another employee you may return to your original login account by using the Revert menu option.




There is now a new *CC* tab on the site page. Contacts in this list will be automatically added to the CC list for log emails on cases and subcases. This makes it easy to always include contacts on the CC list when sending outgoing emails.




Better rendering of file results, such as attachments and document collections that have been indexed.




We’ve improved the layout and iconography of the left sidebar of the console. A nicer, more consistent layout.



Windows Authentication

By default, Dovetail Agent uses the same authentication method as the Clarify Client (loginName/password validated against the database).
In addition, Dovetail Agent now supports Windows Authentication (Active Directory integration). Windows Authentication is entirely optional – but may be useful in your environment.

With Windows Authentication, a user is not authenticated using the Clarify login and password against the database. Instead, Windows authenticates the user, and passes the login name to the Agent application. The login name passed to the application includes the domain name, i.e. *mydomain\fred.smith*

Dovetail Agent needs a way to map the Windows domain and login name to the Clarify login name.
It does this using the x_windows_login_name field on table_user, which is how the windows login name is mapped to the Clarify login name. So, given a domain login name, we can retrieve the Clarify login name, and the user is automatically logged into the application as that login name.


There’s a bunch of other minor changes, as well as a number of bug fixes. These are all listed in the Agent documentation.

Get It

If you have a license for Dovetail Agent, simply logon to the Dovetail SelfService site, navigate to My Products, then click on the Dovetail Agent link. You’ll see a download link for version 5.6.


Did you know you can subscribe to our Dovetail Product Release feed, which will let you know when new Dovetail products or versions become available? Well, now you do!


We’re really excited about the new features in this release – especially the enhanced querying. Hope you dig it as well.

Rock on.