jQuery Rocks! – Selecting all of the text from a table column

On occasion it is nice to be able to select and copy the contents of a column from a table element. Using jQuery, this is a simple task that takes advantage of the following jQuery features:
- Event Handling – for the double-click of the column header
- Selectors – to determine which DOM elements to process
- Traversing – start from a TH that is double-clicked and find which column of the table it represents, then find all of the column TDs
- Iteration – process each of the TDs in a column
- Attributes – get the text for each TD, and change the TD’s Class
With a standard-format table, it is easy to add an event handler to the header TH element. Click here to view a simple example of a such a table. It has a header and a body, and has 4 columns.
The jQuery (and regular javascript) required for this task is simple enough. Here is the basic version:
$("th").dblclick(function() { resetColumnSelection(); var colData = ""; $th = $(this); var colIndex = $th.index(); $th.parents("table").find("tbody tr").each(function() { var $columnCell = $(this).children("td:eq(" + colIndex + ")"); colText = $.trim($columnCell.text()); $columnCell.addClass("highlight"); if(colText > "") colData += ((colData > "")? ", " : "") + colText; }); $("<span class='text'>Text from Selected Column:</span>" + "<input type='text' class='temp' />") .val(colData) .insertAfter($th.parents("table")) .focus() .select(); });
function resetColumnSelection() { $(".temp, .text").remove(); $(".highlight").removeClass("highlight"); }
Here is an explanation of the code above. The top section is the event handler to be used for each TH found in the table. It does three actions when a TH is double-clicked:
- Clears any previous column selection, using the resetColumnSelection function, and clears the colData variable.
- Gathers all the the text from the TH column. This is the core of the task, and chains its actions together using jQuery method chaining. $(this) is the jQuery object that is the TH element that was double-clicked, and it is assigned to the $th variable for further use. $th.index() provides the index of the TH in the header row, and this is the index of the column being selected. From $th, jQuery traverses to the parent table [$th.parents(“table”)], then gets a collection of the rows in the table body [$th.parents(“table”).find(“tbody tr”)]. Each row of the table is then processed using an inline function [$th.parents(“table”).find(“tbody tr”).each(function() {});]:
- get the column TD from the row and assign it to $columnCell[var $columnCell = $(this).children(“td:eq(” + colIndex + “)”);]
- get the text from the column TD and assign it to colText [colText = $.trim($columnCell.text());]
- add the highlight class to the column TD [$columnCell.addClass(“highlight”);]
- add any non-blank column TD text to colData [if(colText > “”) colData += ((colData > “”)? “, ” : “”) +colText;]
- Adds a display area (span and input field) to the page to show the selected text. The value of the input field shows the selected text.
The end result looks like this:
The source code for this post can be viewed and tested at jsFiddle.net, at this URL: http://jsfiddle.net/styson/tJcQN/.