Tag: howto

Warning – There are no more bins left to pick from

January 31, 2011 Using the Pick API to reserve parts for part requests is usually one of the easier API calls made from the Logistics Toolkit. Just specify the part request and preference of picking from good or bad stock, and let the API go to work. The Pick API will continue to attempt to pick parts until it has reserved all of the inventory necessary, or run out of locations to pick from. There are three basic result paths for the Pick API: success, error, and partial success. The return codes for the API fall into these 3 areas as well. When successful, the return code is 0. When there is an error, the return code is < 0 (negative), and when there is partial success, the return code is > 0 (positive). All of the Dovetail API return codes are structured…

jQuery Rocks! – Selecting all of the text from a table column

January 11, 2011 On occasion it is nice to be able to select and copy the contents of a column from a table element. Using jQuery, this is a simple task that takes advantage of the following jQuery features:   Event Handling - for the double-click of the column header Selectors - to determine which DOM elements to process Traversing - start from a TH that is double-clicked and find which column of the table it represents, then find all of the column TDs Iteration - process each of the TDs in a column Attributes - get the text for each TD, and change the TD's Class   With a standard-format table, it is easy to add an event handler to the header TH element. Click here to view a simple example of a such a table. It has a header and a body, and has…

How To Setup hMailServer To Use a SSL Certificate

August 17, 2010   I am adding IMAP support to one of our products. Likely more that one person out there a needed to do this, so enjoy. I’ll take you from creating an SSL certificate to configuring hMailServer to work with both secure and regular connections to testing your setup.   Creating a Self Signed SSL Certificate   First things first you’ll need to download OpenSSL. I downloaded the 64bit 1.0 light version which required Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables (x64) to be installed first. I told the installer to put OpenSSL in my c:utilites folder.   Create a Key   Next up you’ll need to create a key. I recommend you replace <host> with your machine name.   >openssl genrsa -out <host>.key 1024   Certificate Request   Now you need to create a certificate request. This is the file you normally send…