Testing the Waters: Understanding the Customer

What We Do and Understanding the Customer
Testing the waters, as a marketer, can be tenuous. Depending on marketing campaigns, we run the risk of boring our intended audience or annoying them. Over the years, I have come to understand that each effort can be a good effort, as it may reach just the person it was intended to reach. But, there is also the risk of over-saturation. The most important thing, for me, as a marketer and as someone who truly believes in our product and cares about our company, is to know the customer.
Knowing the Customer – YOUR Customer
It isn’t enough to know who the customer is – their name, rank, and serial number. It isn’t enough to know what they do. It isn’t nearly enough to know what our competitors do when it comes to their own marketing efforts.
And that learning and “getting-to-know” process never ends. Because technology changes. How we communicate changes. Who we are changes, as service/product provider, as well, as a customer / client. We are consistently evolving and how we absorb information and grow in our jobs evolves along with us.
As a Leader – as a Communicator
It is not easy to stay ahead of or with trends and “how things are done today” – it is not easy to strive for bettering how you do your job or being a benefit to your organization or those you serve.
Technology can assist, but not in the way that most people / leaders think. Technology will never replace the leader or colleague in each of us – the human who drives on with organizational and personnel best interests at heart. Technology assists with some of the mundane or admin tasks that take our time away from the human interaction we crave and actually need for long-term success.
You’ve heard the saying, “No man is an island.” 17th century poet/writer John Donne first shared these fine words to communicate what it truly means to be a society. No matter your political affiliation, you can recognize the tie to the “It takes a village” sentiment. We are human beings tied together by love, words, skills, art, passion, interests, family, work, and friendship.
I know, seems weird — what they heck is she really getting at, right? I LOVE technology. I LOVE words. I LOVE art. And I LOVE people, growing and changing. We are all in this together – this is what makes life worth living.
No one ever says, I wish I had worked more when it comes to the end of their lives. They say, I wish I had spent more time with the people I love, doing the things I love. I wish I had given myself and others more breaks.
Technology allows this to happen today — but only if it is the right technology for the right purpose.
It’s what we do here at Dovetail for Clarify – we develop products that benefit YOU – that benefit YOUR WORK.
And you know what they say, “If it isn’t helping, it’s hindering.”
Help me help you. Help us help your organization.
Learn more about Dovetail for Clarify by clicking here.
We mean what we say.