Automatically routing cases using Dovetail Carrier’s AutoDest Toolkit Extension

Dovetail Carrier has a number of extensions that greatly enhance your Dovetail/Clarify system.
One of the more recent extensions is the AutoDest Toolkit Extension.
AutoDest Toolkit Extension
This extension allows for automatically assigning or dispatching workflow objects based on an auto-destination rules.
Typically, these messages will originate from Dovetail Rulemanager (such as from a business rule action), although they can also originate from custom applications as well.
Example Message
type=CallToolkit toolkit=AutoDest method=execute ObjectType=case Operation=DISPATCH Id=12345
This example would evaluate the DISPATCH auto-destination rule for case 12345, and if a destination queue is found, the case would be dispatched to that queue.
Auto-Dest Rule
Here’s an example of an auto-destination rule:
(calltype2gbst_elm:title = "Equipment Repair") -> "Equipment Repair"; (calltype2gbst_elm:title contains "Payroll" ) -> "Payroll"; (calltype2gbst_elm:title contains "Benefits" ) -> "Benefits"; (title contains "Benefits" ) -> "Benefits"; objid > 0 -> "Support Cases";
In English, here’s what that rule says:
- If the case type is equal to Equipment Repair, then dispatch to the Equipment Repair queue
- If the case type contains the word Payroll, then dispatch to the Payroll queue
- If the case type contains the word Benefits, then dispatch to the Benefits queue
- If the case title contains the word Benefits, then dispatch to the Benefits queue
- If nothing else matches, dispatch to the Support Cases queue
It’s common that this extension would be triggered from a business rule. Here’s a few examples of how we might use this.
- When a case is created from one of our custom integrations, route the case to the appropriate queue
- If a case has been sitting in a user’s wipbin without any activity for a while, re-route it to a queue
- If a case is reopened via a Selfservice/WebSupport app, route it to the appropriate queue
- If a customer sends in an email to a closed case, reopen the case and route it
Re-Route all of an Employee’s Cases
Here’s a more real-world example of how this could be used.
Let’s say that we have an employee that has recently left the company, but she has a bunch of cases that she owns and are still being worked.
We could easily assign all of them to one user, or dispatch them all to a particular queue using a batch action.
But, if we want them to go to different places, then this becomes more difficult. For example, perhaps we want the Benefits cases to go to the Benefits queue, the Payroll cases to go to the Payroll queue, and the remaining ones to go to the general Support Cases queue.
We can create a business rule that will call the AutoDest Toolkit Extension for each case, and the case will get routed accordingly, based on the configured auto-destination rules.
Business Rule
I created a business rule that fires when a log note of type “Action” happens, when the notes text starts with “route”
I can query for all of the open cases for that employee
Batch Action
Then log a note to all of those cases, which will fire the business rule, and trigger the AutoDest toolkit extension to be triggered.
Looking at the case history, we can see:
- The note that was logged
- The business rule fired
- The dispatch to the queue
Not Just for Dispatching Cases
In addition to dispatching, Auto-Destination rules can also be used to Assign to an individual employee.
And they’re not just for cases – you can also use Auto-Dest rules for subcases, part requests, change requests, solutions, and action items.
Wrap Up
Auto-Destination rules are pretty powerful, and now they can be used in even more ways.
The AutoDest Toolkit Extension is one more tool to add to your toolbox to enhance your Dovetail/Clarify system.
What other scenarios could you see this being used?
Additional References
Refer to the following Dovetail Knowledgebase Article: Auto-Destination Rules: What they are, how they work, and examples.
Featured Photo by Jamie Templeton on Unsplash