Using Broadcasts to Share App Tips

One of the features in Dovetail Agent is Broadcasts. I described them in a previous post.
A broadcast is used to communicate a message to all users.
Broadcasts appear in the user’s notification drawer – along with Notifier messages (such as from business rules).
Notice the megaphone icon which helps identify it as a broadcast.
Tip of the week
One of the ways I’ve been using broadcasts here at Dovetail is to share application tips.
I do it once a week, on Mondays, so my users get a Tip of the Week.
Collection of Tips
Notice the broadcast also includes a link to View Past Tips. This is a link to a solution within Agent that contains the collection of tips.
So when I add a new tip, I create it as a broadcast, and update the solution with the new tip.
There you go – a tip about using broadcasts to broadcast tips.
Rock on.