Creating Windows Installers: Deploying Monorail Web Applications
March 7, 2008
I recently built a small Monorail application and used my Wix-fu to build an installer and I wanted to share. Not really much to add to my previous post about building installers for web applications except that when you are deploying a Monorail (rc3) application you need to register the .castle extension as something that IIS should care about. This is pretty easy to do. Take a look at this snippet of Wix XML:Adding a handler for an ISAPI extension to the web application is just a matter of telling Wix about where it is. The ASP.Net ISAPI extension lives at the root of the .Net framework's folder. The first thing we do is use a <RegistrySearch> to find where the .Net framework lives and put that information into a property.<Property Id="NETFRAMEWORKROOT" Secure="yes"><RegistrySearch Id="NetFrameworkRoot" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWAREMicrosoft.NETFramework" Name="InstallRoot" Type="raw"/></Property> ... <Component…