Is the Software Installed?

I went to update Windows Live Writer this morning because I am a technology whore and I like to run with the cool kids. The installer yielded a WTF basket of confusion that ended with me wondering if I had actually installed the software which, in fact, I had not.
Most installers use the wizard motif with a workflow that goes something like next, accept EULA, next, next, Install, Finish. Here is my experience trying to install Windows Live Writer with accompanying internal dialog.
The Download
Google Windows Live Writer.
Click on Writers Zone.
Windows Live Writer: Out of Beta
Click on the lovely shiny Download button.
Wasn’t that supposed to start the download?
Click on Get It Free.
The Install
Click on Accept.
Ugh! I hate freaking MSN. But I don’t mind helping a brother improve the installer.
Click, Click, Turn off gross marketing integration.
Click Install.
What huh? I thought I was installing Windows Live Writer?
Oh they are bundling "Writer" with other stuff.
Nah I just wanted Live Writer.
Clicking on Writer enables Add to installation.
At this point I was in the next, next, next, part of my mental installer workflow.
So I clicked on Close. The installer went away and I snapped to attention.
Huh what? Is it done?
Did it install?
Quick check. Nope. Let’s re-run the installer and step back through…
What the hell is the Close button doing where the Next or Install button should be?!
Do I click on Add to installation instead?
The download/installation of Writer began. How does a small Add to installation button sitting above the utility area communicate that an installation will begin? I sat there agape.
I really need to meticulously blog about this.
Take Away
Come on Microsoft stick to the conventions that have been established. If you want to deviate from the norm make it obvious. Test the usability of your software even the installers.