August 13, 2014
This week we released Dovetail Agent 5.6. Here’s a summary of what’s new in this version. Queries With this release, we've really amped up the querying functionality. I’ll have another post soon that covers querying in more detail, but here’s a quick summary: A new Queries page, allowing user to easily access My Queries, Subscriptions, and Shared Queries Easily create a new query from the Queries page Queries can now be shared to another user, to a workgroup, or to everyone Shared queries can be subscribed to, which indicates that it's a query that you're interested in. These are queries that you may run occasionally, but aren't quite to the level of a favorite. Queries can now be starred/favorited. Favorite queries are queries that you run frequently, or want easily accessible. These show up in the left sidebar under the…