Tag: dovetail release

Dovetail Seeker 1.2 Released

July 21, 2009 If you are not a Dovetail customer be prepared for a boring post. If you are a fan or our search product. Be prepared to be rocked! My last couple of posts have been talking about the cool stuff coming out in the next version of Dovetail Seeker? Well, the next version of Dovetail Seeker is here. I hope you enjoy it. I’d love to know how you are using Seeker in your organization below or if you prefer off-line. What’s new in version 1.2 Important Changes Dovetail Seeker now requires version 3.5 SP1 of the .Net framework. Seek.exe has been renamed to SeekerConsole.exe Application settings are now located in the install directory within the applicationSettings.config file. New Features Dovetail Seeker now includes a Windows service for keeping your search index up to date. For more information see Seeker Windows…

Dovetail Seeker Update

July 9, 2009 We will soon be releasing a new version of Dovetail Seeker our information retrieval tool for Dovetail/Clarify CRM. The big news in this release is that Seeker now includes a windows service for keeping your indexes in-sync with your database in near real-time. This release also adds the ability to wipe and re-index your search indexes after database purges. Previous Seeker Posts Seeker Introduced Previous Release Post Creating your own Seeker Client Real-Time Indexing Driver Gary and I have been thinking about different scenarios where Seeker could be used. One of them was to use search to replace how users find different types of data. I’ll leave diving into that scenario in more detail to Gary. Think Find Caller using a single search box. One of the requirements that came up was that the search index would need to in-sync…

Mobile Agent 1.1 – Now with better access to your knowledge

January 23, 2009 Today we are releasing a better Dovetail Mobile Agent. In this release we focused on exposing the knowledge contained in your Dovetail CRM to your mobile agents and public users.  For more details please take a look at the documentation but to sum up I’ve composed for you a sort of visual what’s new in this release. Agents can now… Search for and use solutions while working cases. Solutions found to apply to a case being worked can easily be sent and linked to the case. Searching now returns both solution and cases. Once a solution is found details about it can be easily sent to a case.   Because sending emails from a mobile device can be time consuming, Mobile Agent fills in most details of the email for the agent. The solution is also linked to the case…