July 14, 2011
I’ve blogged in the past about how to customize your outgoing emails in Clarify/Dovetail, including using rule properties. Using this same technique, we can include a URL back to the case automatically. For example, if you’re using a SelfService type application, such as Dovetail SelfService, or Clarify eSupport or WebSupport, we can include a URL back to the case so customers can easily get back to the case, where they can review it, add notes, view the status, etc. 1. Export the existing Template form the database You’ll need a directive file for the template. Here’s one: http://www.clarifytoolbox.com/code/directive-file-sendemailaboutobj-comtmplte Export it using ArchiveManager (DIET) or dataex: diet -user_name USERNAME -password PASSWORD -db_server SERVER -db_name DATABASE -archive -export sendemailaboutobj.dat -dir email_com_template.dir 2. Edit the Template All we need to do is modify the template, include the URL that we want, and use…