Sending Knowledge To Your Customers

Our next release of Dovetail Mobile Agent is focusing on adding functionality for agents and customers alike to access Dovetail CRM knowledge. I wanted to talk about one of the features we are adding to allow agents to send a solution to a case.
Solutions = Knowledge
A little background. Dovetail CRM support agents can capture Solutions to common problems. These solutions are more useful when exposed to the customer so they can solve their own problems. We do just this on Dovetail’s website.
Let Me Find That For You
It is pretty common though that a customer will not be diligent enough to search the existing knowledge base. Or diligent customers may not know the correct search terms and are not getting useful hits from your knowledge base. Frustrated they’ll create a case for a common problem.
For these types of cases it is the unfortunate truth that the support agent must act as human search engine for the customer.
Send Solution To Case
For Dovetail Mobile Agent we wanted to let agents easily fulfill these types of cases in a mobile environment. To accomplish this we added a Send Solution To Case feature. Let’s go through the workflow for this feature.
The Agent accepts a support case that they are pretty sure this is a known or common problem so they search the knowledge base and find a solution.
The agent is pretty confident that this solution and resolution will solve the problem so they press Send To Case.
Note, this is a pretend solution. I would feel awful sending a resolution to a customer that said re-install Windows. Yuck.
The agent then selects which case they want to receive the solution. Case 3 seems to need this solution.
The agent can then customize an email to the case’s contact informing them of an applicable solution to their case.
Additionally the solution will be linked to the case which helps document the resolution of the case and to help support managers keep track of support hot spots.
The case contact receives an email with a hyperlink to a public facing web page containing solution details.
You might notice that the customer can click on Search. Another new feature in Mobile Agent is the ability for non agents to search the knowledge base for public solutions.
Our goal was to streamline a common case workflow. How do you think we did?
Do your agents search when working cases?
How does your organization work these types of cases?
I have used this feature a few times here at Dovetail and find that I always want to customize the email being sent to make it feel more personal. We have talked about adding personalization features to sending emails and this new addition underscores that conversation.
In talking to people familiar with other CRM platforms this type of template response is baked in to the log email user interface. Anyone customizing Clarify to do this?