Upcoming Austin Developer Conferences


I’ve been to both of these conferences in the past, and I definitely recommend them  – great stuff.



Austin Code Camp – September 10th


The Austin .Net User Group is proud to sponsor it’s fifth Annual Code Camp.


This is one day FREE conference For The Community, By the community.



Pablo’s Fiesta – September 30, October 1, & 2


Los Techies Open Space Conference on Software Quality & Craftsmanship


The Los Techies blogging community is a truly exceptional group of developers, writers, teachers and mentors who love what we do for a living and take pride in producing quality software.  Because we want to foster this within our software development community, we are proud to sponsor Pablo’s Fiesta, a two-day open space conference.  This conference will be dedicated to strengthening and expanding a passionate community, creating quality software & constantly striving to be better at our craft.  To be better craftsmen, we need to:

  • Sharpen our saw
  • Help educate other developers
  • Cultivate a culture that understands and appreciates the role software quality plays in our industry
  • Help business leaders & executives understand how software quality affects the bottom line


The Los Techies crew is very diverse and discussion will not be limited to any specific programming language or platform.  It will be an excellent opportunity to expand your horizons and meet other developers that share your passion for software development—not to mention have a damn good time in Austin!