Upcoming Free Training Webinars: Rulemanager and Business Rules

A few months ago, I threw out some thoughts regarding Clarify training and knowledge:
One of the themes I’ve picked up on recently is that there seems to be a lot of organizations who still use Clarify /Amdocs, but not to its full potential. Nowhere near its full potential. I’ve recently talked to a bunch of people who don’t really know how to use it fully, extend it, what functionality is available, or even how to maintain it.
I’ve seen the same issue on both sides of the house:
- Technical IT resources who don’t know how to customize it, what all of the moving components are, what to do when something goes wrong, or even where to look for knowledge,
- Business resources who don’t fully know what the product is capable or what exactly they even have.
For example, I’m amazed when I find out that people aren’t running Rulemanager – one of the more powerful pieces of the system. Or they don’t know how to add new business rule properties. Or they don’t know that incoming email can flow into cases. Or that there are search capabilities that make finding information super easy. Or that auto-destination rules can assist in routing workflow items to the correct queue. Or that contracts can be used for SLA tracking. Etc.
How does this happen?
Well, people move to new positions. Companies get re-organized. Software and documentation gets lost. Things stop working, and no one knows who to call, so it stays not working. In addition, systems like Clarify are large and full of deep functionality, so it’s hard to know everything that the system can do.
I’ve received a number of positive responses to this, so we’re going to try out a couple of webinar sessions and see how it goes.
Rulemanager and Business Rules
The first session will be an introduction and overview of Rulemanager and Business Rules.
- What is Rulemanager?
- What is a Business Rule?
- What can business rules do (and not do)?
- Examples
- Extensibility
- Clarify Rulemanager vs. Dovetail Rulemanager
- etc.
When: Thursday, July 8, 2010 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT
Register here: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/247692112
Advanced Business Rules
The second session will build on the first, and will discuss more advanced usage of Business Rules.
- Understanding Rule Properties and aliases
- Creating your own rule properties
- Firing rules based on custom events
- Additional Notification Preferences
- Rule Properties
- Time Bombs
- Tips & Tricks
- etc.
When: Thursday, July 22, 2010 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT
Register here: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/902787625
Call for Ideas
Have an idea for a topic for a future session? Please share! We’d love to hear your ideas.
Have something specific you’d like to hear or discuss in one of the Business Rules webinars? Let’s hear it!
Interested in presenting, or co-presenting a session? That would be great!
You can leave a comment here, or drop me an email at gary@dovetailsoftware.com