Snackbyte: Implementation services should include source-code control

This is just a little snackbyte that I was thinking about today: Implementation services should include source-code control.
Meaning, when a vendor helps a customer with implementation of the vendors product, part of the service should include source-code control. Not maybe. Not an extra cost. It’s just part of the deal.
Our implementations include custom web pages, config files, schema change files, dat files, etc. These should all be under version control.
If the customer has an existing source code control system, great – use it.
If not, put one in place. Subversion is free, is easy to use, and works great.
Show the customer the value and ease of using a good source code control product.
Just another way to add value to the customer.
And when everyone starts doing this – take it to the next level. How about a script for migrating your customizations and changes from your dev/test systems to production? NAnt scripts come to mind.
What else should be a standard part of an implementation?