Corporate transparency and accessibility

I wrote a blog post a few months ago on our internal blog server (before we had external blogs):
A lot has been written recently on the business value of transparency, and it’s really struck a chord with me. I’m a big fan of Seth Godin, and it’s a consistent theme in his blog and his books. Companies being transparent with their customers, prospects, and employees. Bloggers being transparent about their product reviews. Examples of the power of transparency, as well as the effects of being non-transparent, are everywhere. Dell publicly acknowledging their shortcomings, and openly discusses what they’re doing to improve. Apple doing the exact opposite. Etc.
I saw a new level of transparency today at Wesabe: Talk to Jason. Right there, on the front page on their website, in a very prominent position, is a phone number, email address, and time to call to talk to Jason, who is the CEO and co-founder of Wesabe. Every afternoon, from 12 to 4 p.m. PST, [Seven days a week] you can reach me directly at (800) 511-8544.
He also has a blog post describing his experiences with making himself available 7 days a week.
I’m proud to say that in that same vein, our latest Dovetail Software Support Policy says:
We take customer support very serious. Therefore, if at any time a Customer is unsatisfied with Dovetail product support or would like to discuss a concern, please contact our CEO directly at (512) 418-2905 x101.
And that’s not fluff. We really do take customer support very seriously. And our CEO will take your call. That’s corporate accessibility. Nice job Stephen!