Replacing Disparate Field Service Software with Dovetail Mobile

Clarify Support
Many organizations who utilize Amdocs Clarify or Dovetail CRM also employ field based specialists to support everyone and everything from end customers, smaller satellite offices, clinics, retail store fronts, to various campuses or colleges associated with a larger, central university perhaps. They could be IT technicians, seasonal staff, lab support, just about any type of field deployed employee.
When the deployment of field personnel reaches a point of needing to be managed on a sizeable scale, technology typically comes into play. There are more than a few providers offering this type of technology, but is the use of these specialty offerings simultaneously creating a rash of ROI killing effort on the backend? Is it tied directly into the CRM where you’re already managing cases and tracking work and workflow? If not, is this causing disparate cross-functional reporting and/or increasing reporting efforts to merge the data into more usable intel? Can it even be used to turn the field visit into a potential revenue generator by helping field staff upsell?
Customer Needs
Recently, one of our customers came to us with some of these concerns. Already using our Dovetail Agent Lite/Mobile platform, they asked to better explore Mobile usage to alleviate these challenges for their retail location IT support teams. At the very least, they were looking to eliminate the many thousands of wasteful cut and paste exercises their call center agents were performing simply to add case notes to their 3rd party field deployment software work orders. The software wasn’t integrated with the CRM, nor was it integrated with the call center agent knowledge base. It was challenging at best to merge data (if it were even available) to identify analytics such as the following:
- How many jobs per day the technicians performed
- Which technicians were doing how many
- What type of work were they specifically performing
Dovetail Mobile
Replacing their current offering with Dovetail Mobile will not only give them the means to easily pull these analytics and more. It will also:
- Instantly eliminate all cut and paste case efforts
- Sync to the call center agent knowledge base
- Enable technicians to add attachments to the case or work order such as a picture taken from a smart phone of a device’s model number or serial number needed for replacement
- Work from Queues and a Queue Dashboard within the existing CRM to far more efficiently handle workflow like automatic dispatching to regionally segmented technicians
- Allow for auto-generation of notifications to alert staff of a possible upcoming Service Level Agreement violation
Dovetail makes this so easy because we’re already seamlessly embedded into the Amdocs Clarify database. Case work, parts, etc. all originate from the same place, regardless of the device being used to access the Dovetail Agent Lite/Mobile platform. Agent Lite/Mobile is already powerful out-of-box, but should customizations be desired, Dovetail can perform them or your team can take advantage of our common .NET source code.
We invite others to evaluate their current field service software and see if gaps in ROI also exist. If so, we’re happy to offer an exploratory chat.