June 18, 2010
Ever since I heard about activity streams, I’ve been thinking about an activity stream out of our Clarify / Dovetail Customer Service system. I saw Chris Messina present about activity streams at SXSW 2010, and got even more jazzed.What are activity streams? From the activitystrea.ms wiki: ActivityStreams is a convenient and consistent way to syndicate social activities around the web.OK, how about a little more detail, perhaps with some context?I’m going to quote right from the Socialcast website here, as I think they do a good job of explaining this.Inside of every company, there can be hundreds or even thousands of sources of data. Information is generated by people (through emails and social network messages) and by systems (CRM and ERP systems, and inventory tracking, for example). Where the information flows and how it is used is strictly defined by…