Tag: Amdocs Clarify CRM

Closing a number of cases at once

June 5, 2015 Occasionally we get requests about closing a bunch of cases at once. Some people refer to it as a “mass case closing”, others use the term “batch case close”. Whatever you call it, it’s easy to do in Dovetail Agent. This request comes up when a bunch of test cases get created, or if a customer goes out of support, or a bad email loop creates cases by mistake, or a myriad of other reasons. Find the cases you want to close First step - create a query for the cases you want to close. I want open cases created in the last 365 days with the word “test” in the title. So, I created a query with 4 filters: Condition Starts with Open Item Type Is Equal To case Created within last (days) 365 Title Contains test Run the…

Site Part functionality in Dovetail Agent

June 2, 2015 Dovetail Agent includes functionality for maintaining your Site Parts (sometimes referred to as Installed Parts). Site Parts are parts that have actually been installed at a site. Users can install, de-install, re-install, and edit site parts. View Site Parts for a site On the site page, there is a Site Parts tab that shows all of the site parts that are installed at this site. Notice that site parts are shown hierarchically , as site parts can be installed under site parts. Also notice that the hierarchy shows Bins, which are containers for parts and for other bins. Bins are useful for organizing parts at a site. View De-installed site parts Clicking the Show De-Installed Parts checkbox will also show the parts that have been de-installed. This allows you to re-install a de-installed part. View a Site Part Clicking on…

Goodbye ClarifyToolbox

April 27, 2015 A few years ago, I created, which was a a repository of apps, code snippets, add-ons, and APIs for the Clarify environment. It was a little experiment of my own making to try and share some resources with the community, and also a chance for me to play with Drupal. It just didn’t get the traffic or interest anticipated, and it was costing me money out of my own pocket every month, so it’s now shut down. I still own the domain. If someone in the community is interested in it, let me know.

Clarify Infrastructure Upgrades Continue to Grow in Popularity

January 20, 2015 It’s only natural that legacy Clarify deployments are often supported by outdated or soon to be outdated versions of operating systems and databases.  More and more we’re contacted by clients exhibiting a slight tone of panic in their voices because the database and/or operating system their Clarify CRM software is residing on is soon to be unsupported, leaving them with more questions than answers.  Will our customizations break?  Will our event rules still fire properly?  Will our Outlook version interact properly with legacy Clarify tools after an upgrade?  What the heck are we going to do if something mission critical breaks?  What if our auto-generated customer emails cease to work?  Can you even imagine the increased workload to our support center staff if they have to individually email a follow up to each customer?   Have we waited too long…

You got Dovetail in my Gmail!

December 13, 2012 If you use Gmail, you may have heard of Rapportive. It’s a plugin that brings in social information into the context of an email.   For example, when I’m looking at email from from my buddy Kevin, the sidebar fills in with contextual information, like so:     Now I can quickly see his avatar, recent tweets, see where he’s located, job titles, get to his Facebook and LinkedIn accounts, etc.   This is nice when emailing with people I know. It’s even nicer when I get emails from people I don’t know (or don’t know well), as it brings in much more contextual information. You can also hover over any email address and have the relevant info show up. Really powerful stuff.   If you use Gmail, I highly recommend Rapportive. Raplets   What’s even better is that they’ve opened up…

More on Customizing the Clarify Attachment Form (form 1006)

December 4, 2012 Last year I had to do some customizing of the Clarify attachment form (form 1006) for a customer. This is one of those old-school forms that doesn’t always behave very well with ClearBasic. I shared some of my findings and solutions on customizing this form.   I had a new request come up this week. How do I enable a user to add an attachment on a case that they don’t own? Plan A   The first thought was simply to enable the buttons on the form.   Sub Form_Load() Me.DoDefault FILE_BTN.Enabled = TRUE ADD_BTN.Enabled = TRUE End Sub   The buttons were now enabled, but clicking the Add button raised an error, " '{CurrentOwnerLoginName} is now the owner, therefore the 'Save' operation cannot be completed."     Bummer. Plan B   There’s a bug that exists in most versions…

What’s New in Dovetail Admin 3.0 : Part 1: Employee Templates

September 10, 2012 Dovetail Admin 3.0 was recently released, so I figured it was a good time to highlight a few of the things that are new in this release. BTW – did you know you can subscribe to our Dovetail product release RSS feed – so you’ll always know about new releases? Employee Templates / Workgroups We’ve brought the functionality of the classis Employee Manager Utility into Dovetail Agent. This allows an administrator to associate employee properties (such as queues, privilege class, business calendar, office location, supervisor, and resource configuration) to a workgroup.  New employees that are assigned to that workgroup can automatically inherit all of the proper attributes. This will speed up and simplify the process of adding new employees to the system, since most of the attributes for an employee will be defined by the type of job they are destined to be performing.…

Clearing Clarify Cache Files

July 27, 2012 This will probably be old news to most of you, but there’s always new people getting exposed to Clarify, so I figured it couldn’t hurt to share. If you’ve worked with the Clarify Classic Client for any amount of time (say, more than a day), you’ve probably run into the scenario where things start to misbehave. Often, this is because the Clarify cache files get corrupt. The fix is to delete those cache files, and restart the app. The cache files will get rebuilt during app startup. What gets cached? Mostly what gets cached is: Schema (data from the ADP tables) is cached in the <databaseName>.0XX file, where XX is your schema revision. Example: testdb1.062 Forms and other metadata is cached in the <databaseName>.cfy file. Example: testdb1.cfy ClearBasic Code is cached in a boatload of files in the CBCache directory…

Business Rule: Only notify certain queue members

March 8, 2012 This week I was posed an interesting scenario from a customer. They have certain users who need access to every queue. But, they don’t want those users to be notified when a case is dispatched to that queue. For example, lets say that the Maintenance queue has 4 members: Fred, Annie, Gary, and Steve. Fred and Annie are regular users. But Gary and Steve are part of the Network Operations Center (NOC). The NOC has access to every queue, as they need to be able to peek inside each queue to see what’s there, read the case titles, etc. But, since the NOC belongs to every queue, they get a lot of business rule notifications – one for every case that gets dispatched to a queue. But they don’t need to get all of those notifications. So how do we…

Business Rule: Only notify certain queue members

This week I was posed an interesting scenario from a customer. They have certain users who need access to every queue. But, they don’t want those users to be notified when a case is dispatched to that queue.   For example, lets say that the Maintenance queue has 4 members: Fred, Annie, Gary, and Steve.   Fred and Annie are regular users.   But Gary and Steve are part of the Network Operations Center (NOC). The NOC has access to every queue, as they need to be able to peek inside each queue to see what’s there, read the case titles, etc.   But, since the NOC belongs to every queue, they get a lot of business rule notifications – one for every case that gets dispatched to a queue. But they don’t need to get all of those notifications.   So…