Tag: tips

How to include a solution in a log email

September 27, 2016 Photo by @justmekirsty   When working a case, we can link a solution to the case, indicating that the given solution resolves the problem at hand. Now that we’ve linked it, we often want to email that solution to the customer. Using the Canned Responses feature within Dovetail Agent, this is easy to do. I see two options for how we could email the solution to the customer: Send the customer a link to the solution, which allows them to view it online in a Selfservice/WebSupport-type app Send the customer the actual solution content Lets look at how to do both of these options.   Admin Setup – Rule Properties The first thing we want to do is be sure that our Sys Admin has setup rule properties for the Linked Solution. Canned Responses uses these rule properties for resolving…

Pro Tip: Query Ordering in Dovetail Agent

August 4, 2016 When viewing queries in Dovetail Agent, they’re ordered alphabetically. I was recently asked if there was a way to change the ordering. For example, I may have a certain query that I always want to be at the top of the list. Nope, sorry. They’re alphabetical. But, you can use a few tricks to get the ordering you want.   A-Z Purely based on letters, if we want something at the top of the list, we could have its name being with “a”, or prefix it with “aaa” . Similar for “zzz”   Reminds me of those businesses that would name their companies so that they would be first in the phone book:   I’m not a big fan of this approach, but it does work. But we can do better.   0-9 Of course, we can also use numbers,…

Pro Tip: Better Rule Property Names

July 7, 2016 Rule properties are used mainly within business rules. They’re used within business rule conditions, and also in business rule messages. We also use them as part of Dovetail Task Manager, and within Canned Responses. Out of the box, Clarify defines properties for Object ID and for Database ID.   Object ID Looking at the Object ID properties, we see: Looking at the path_name for each of these, notice that most of them map to the id_number field, but some map to the objid field. Confusing. For Case and Subcase, Object ID means the id_number. But for Part Requests, it means the objid. Ugh.   Database ID Looking at the Database ID properties, we see: Notice that they all map to the objid field.   So between Object ID and Database ID, what we have is a mix of objid and…

Closing a number of cases at once

June 5, 2015 Occasionally we get requests about closing a bunch of cases at once. Some people refer to it as a “mass case closing”, others use the term “batch case close”. Whatever you call it, it’s easy to do in Dovetail Agent. This request comes up when a bunch of test cases get created, or if a customer goes out of support, or a bad email loop creates cases by mistake, or a myriad of other reasons. Find the cases you want to close First step - create a query for the cases you want to close. I want open cases created in the last 365 days with the word “test” in the title. So, I created a query with 4 filters: Condition Starts with Open Item Type Is Equal To case Created within last (days) 365 Title Contains test Run the…