Tag: customization

Introducing New Log Email Templates for Cases and Subcases

August 23, 2018 Traditionally, when sending an email out from within Dovetail Agent, (using the Log Email) function, the send_email_about_obj com_tmplte is used. The same email template is used for both cases and subcases. I've discussed this template in past posts: The "From" Address of a Log Email Include a URL to the case in outgoing emails Encouraging SelfService use - Include a link in outgoing emails Example send_email_about_obj template Here's an example of the template: TO: <FOCUS.recipient> CC: <FOCUS.cc_list> FR: <FOCUS.sender> RE: About Case <ADDITIONAL_INFO> : [Case Title] [Subcase Title] <FOCUS.message> Log Email API This template name is coded within the LogEmail API within the Dovetail SDK. We've recently made some enhancements to the LogEmail API to allow for different templates to be used between cases and subcases. We now support two new templates: send_email_about_case send_email_about_subcase   send_email_about_case When performing a log…

How To Customize the Clarify Rule Properties form to support function-based Rule Properties

January 11, 2017 Recently I discussed function-based rule properties, which allow you to add your own code for calculating a rule property value.I was asked last week about these – specifically, what if you’re using Dovetail Rulemanager, but not using Dovetail Agent. How do you define these properties?  BackgroundThe property can be defined as a function using the Rule Property UI within Dovetail Agent.But if you’re not using Dovetail Agent, but you are using Dovetail Rulemanager, you can still take advantage of these.Rule properties are stored in table_prop_name. There is a new custom field named x_is_function that defines this property as a function. If set to 1, this property will be evaluated as a function. If set to 0 (default), it will not be.So you can simply create your rule property as normal, then you just need to set the x_is_function column to…

Customizing Dovetail Agent

November 18, 2016 Adding customizations in Dovetail Agent, as of version 13, incorporates numerous changes that make the application easier to customize and extend.Stepping through a simple example will demonstrate how those changes make it easy to add a customization. OverviewThis example shows a customization to enhance the console, adding some eye-catching color for Cases that have a severity level that needs attention. If a Case has a Medium severity, the row should be pink, orange for a High severity Case, and if a Case severity is Urgent, then make the row red.By default, all rows in the console have a white background, so adding some colors will make those cases stand out. Cases with severity levels below Medium will still have the white background. RoadmapTo accomplish this customization, the Cases with raised severity shown in the Case grid on the console need to have…

Customizing baseline queries in Dovetail Agent

November 10, 2016 In my last post, I covered the Query Filter Config files, and how they’re used to define a query.Now, lets have a look at how we can override the baseline queries, customizing them for your specific implementation.  Customizing a filter config doesn't mean you have to write rewrite the existing ones. You can write a config file just describing the customizations you need.We call these Filter Overrides.Using filter overrides, we can:remove a Columnremove a Facetremove a Fieldadd a Facetadd a Fieldadd a Columnadd a Join Example Filter OverrideThis is an example of a custom filter override file.We’ll override the Cases query, which is part of My Work, and adhoc queries on Work Items.<filter overrides="Cases">   <!-- Remove priority as a facet and as a output column -->   <removeFacet key="priority" />   <removeColumn key="priority" />   <!-- Remove the created column. We'll…

Configurable and Customizable Queries in Dovetail Agent

November 8, 2016 I’ve talked in the past about the power of queries within Dovetail Agent and how end users can build and use them.In this post, I’ll dive a bit deeper into how queries are configured, and how they can be configured and customized.  Query ConfigurationQueries within the app are driven by filter config files. This includes:Adhoc Queries available from the top-level Query menu, including:Work Items (Case/Subcase/Solution/Change Request/Part Request)Accounts, Contacts, Contracts, Employees, Site Parts, SitesCustom queriesTabs that contain filterable queries (such as the Contacts tab on the Site page) Filter Config FilesFilter Config Files are XML files that define:what tables/views are being queriedjoinswhat filters (facets) are available for the user to filter the query bywhat non-facet fields are queried for use in output datawhat output data is returned to the front-end of the application (columns)required privilege to make the entry available in the top-level…

More on Customizing the Clarify Attachment Form (form 1006)

December 4, 2012 Last year I had to do some customizing of the Clarify attachment form (form 1006) for a customer. This is one of those old-school forms that doesn’t always behave very well with ClearBasic. I shared some of my findings and solutions on customizing this form.   I had a new request come up this week. How do I enable a user to add an attachment on a case that they don’t own? Plan A   The first thought was simply to enable the buttons on the form.   Sub Form_Load() Me.DoDefault FILE_BTN.Enabled = TRUE ADD_BTN.Enabled = TRUE End Sub   The buttons were now enabled, but clicking the Add button raised an error, " '{CurrentOwnerLoginName} is now the owner, therefore the 'Save' operation cannot be completed."     Bummer. Plan B   There’s a bug that exists in most versions…

Using Hyperlinks in the Clarify Classic Client

April 10, 2012 I’ve been doing a little Clarify Classic Client development lately, and I’ve found I’ve been using hyperlinks more and more as elements on forms as opposed to buttons. A common usage of hyperlinks is to open URLs, such as a site’s website. But we can also use them to invoke other actions. Here’s a form that has a few different hyperlinks in action: There are 4 hyperlinks in play on this form 2 Open Subcases (opens the Subcase List form, showing the list of subcases for this case) ? (Opens a message box with help text, detailing the Case Title information) Copy Case ID to Clipboard (um, copies the case id number to to the clipboard) Expand (Opens the case history in a larger/expanded form) So as you can see, a hyperlink can be used for more than simply opening…

Log Email using your mail application (such as Outlook)

October 11, 2010 A while ago I posted about using email with Dovetail/Clarify. One of the items I talked about is the Enhanced Email Out functionality within Dovetail Agent, which is a client-side integration with your MS Outlook client. This allows users to access their address books, attach files to the outgoing email, use your signature, read/delivery receipts, etc.   The way this is accomplished in via Collaborative Data Objects (CDO), a Microsoft library that exposes the interfaces of the Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI).  There area few downsides of using CDO, including the need to install CDO on each desktop, Outlook warnings/restrictions, and troubles with Office 2010. It’s not really a surprise – having a web application be able to access your Outlook application has the potential for security trouble. Use your mail client   An alternative to this is to simply pop open a…

Closing (and reopening) a solution

August 18, 2010 A not-so-uncommon request I’ve heard over the years is the need to be able to close a solution. You can close a case, close an action item, close an opportunity – but you can’t close a solution in the out-of-the-box product. But this is a pretty easy customization – so lets walk through it. Why close a solution?   Knowledge can become outdated. But we may want to retain that knowledge, especially when we’ve linked these solutions to cases or change requests. By closing it, we can mark it as no longer relevant, and closing will also remove it from a user’s wipbin and all queues. Status and Condition   Most workflow objects have a status and a condition. We can use a similar mechanism here. We’ll use the Open and Closed Conditions (same as for a case). I create a…

Converting from Clarify Desktop to Dovetail Agent (part 3)

July 16, 2010 Welcome to part 3 of the series on converting an application from the Clarify Desktop environment to work in Dovetail Agent/Admin. The Employee Manager Utility (EMU) is being migrated into Dovetail Admin, and will provide the tools needed to manage workgroups and the employees that are assigned to them. In the installment of the series, the functionality for the Add... button of the form is going to be implemented. This is going to be a different method that what is normally used in Dovetail Admin due to the fact that workgroups are actually just elements in the WORKGROUP user defined list. EMU adds a lot of information and configuration capability for a workgroup, but there needs to be a record in table_workgroup to hold the details.   The Add... button has a small hint that it will have different behavior…
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