Tag: Business Intelligence

Business Rule Usage Report

August 4, 2011 The other night I got curious and inspired and started working on a Business Rule Usage Report. This tells us what business rules are firing along with how often. Perhaps even more importantly, it allows you to see the rules that are not being fired. Perhaps those rules could be removed, or made inactive, therefore simplifying business rule administration. Or maybe they should be firing, and need further investigation. I ran it against our production system, and it was pretty enlightening. Here’s an example (run against my development database, so the rule firing numbers are pretty small): As part of normal operations, we collect huge amounts of data and usage statistics in our CRM systems. I’m looking forward to exploring more reports like the above that give us insights into system usage. This will be officially released as part of…

Amdocs Clarify Dashboard Tutorial

Static image September 6, 2007 How does the user of the Amdocs Clarify CRM system derive real-time situation analysis – business intelligence for Clarify – in easy-to-use dashboard views of the Clarify data? One simple answer is Dovetail Software’s RuleManager – a drop-in replacement for the Amdocs Rulemanager product – as detailed in the following example.   We’ve been discussing business intelligence for the last few days, the need to integrate data, and the need to present business users with very simple tools. In the background, Dovetail’s own Gary Sherman has written an extensive tutorial showing precisely how to: write business rules to reflect real situations; query the Clarify database for current situations; export the retrieved data as XML; and display them in color-coded graphics in the form of dashboard gauges.   The result is an attractive graphic display, understandable at a glance, showing real-time business intelligence – in this…

Knowledge in Motion

Static image May 15, 2007 Knowledge only works when it’s in motion – being consumed, or expressed, or else being analyzed, sorted and ordered. The data components of knowledge arise out of motion, and are captured by information systems.   The greatest technical challenge for the development of enterprise-wide knowledge management lies with integration of legacy systems and newer information tools.   Key tools in this effort are ETL products. ETL (extract, transform and load) refers to the extraction of data from active systems, classically for importation into a data warehouse for cleansing and (re)processing, but generally for any reason, such as a mashup or entry into another application for further recalculation on the fly.   “the reality of BI for most enterprises is far murkier, with massive investments in technology for data warehousing, data integration, and analytics, but payoffs that are sparse or hard to calculate. What’s needed, experts agree,…