Tag: automation

Automating Deployment For Clairfy Using Rake

February 6, 2012 Gary posted recently on Automating Deployment For Clarify. A customer recently had an automation need that I answered in a similar way but rather than using NAnt I pulled from our fancy favorite new build automation tool Rake. In this post we’ll take a look at automating common database setup tasks like applying schema scripts and executing arbitrary SQL using Rake. I hope you find it useful. Where is the Code? I put together a Dovetail Automation gist with everything you need to solve two problems. Applying  Dovetail Schema Editor schema scripts. Applying all SQL scripts in a directory. Check out the readme for setup and execution instructions. Next I’ll talk a little about what each task does. Applying Schema Scripts (apply_schemascripts) This task looks for a child directory named schema below where the rakefile.rb is located. Every file in…

Automated Deployment for Clarify Example

January 11, 2012 Last year I posted about automated deployments for Clarify. From that post:   Doing automatic deployments of Clarify changes is pretty straightforward. If I was starting off, I would use a contemporary build script tool such as nant or rake, and simply have it call out to your schema editing tool (Dovetail SchemaEditor, or ddcomp) to perform schema changes, use an import tool (such as Dovetail ArchiveManager, or dataex) for importing forms, and then compile your Clearbasic code using CBEX, or just import it as a DAT file using Dovetail ArchiveManager. File copying, registering components, configuring web servers, and setting permissions are all common tasks that are available in these build tools as well.   Should you also need to do additional stuff in your database, some code that uses the Dovetail SDK can be useful.   You could tie this…

Automated Deployments for Clarify

March 7, 2011 I had an inquiry this week asking about our experience with automatic deployments for Clarify – specifically around deploying ClearBasic code and schema changes.   So I jotted down a few rambling thoughts that might be useful to others. Most of this stuff is pretty standard for software development shops, but not as common in enterprise internal IT organizations. (But it should be!)   At Dovetail, we have lots of experience in automated deployment. Let me lay out some of our experience and tools and scenarios.   Obviously, one of the big benefits of automation is that repeatable work can be moved from a manual to an automated strategy, and by reducing the manual components, we can eliminate the human error factors, while also improving productivity and increasing employee happiness. Customization Replicator   Years ago, we created a product called Customization Replicator (CR).  …

Correcting a MIDL compiler error – MIDL1001 : cannot open input file

March 22, 2010 This post is for me or for any of the poor souls out there still doing COM development and using the MIDL compiler in anger. Every now and again I need to get our build automation working with the MIDL compiler and it always seems to be related to some sort of path issue. I ran into this again today on my new development machine and in frustration am creating this post so I can remind myself what I did to fix it.   midl : command line error MIDL1001 : cannot open input file oaidl.idl   We have a step in our build automation where we generate a type library using midl.exe. Usually when you are using the Visual Studio Command Prompt (vcvars32.bat) this will work fine but something seems to have gone wrong with this on my Windows 7 development machine on which…