May 9, 2008
We recently ran into an issue with ADO rendering Unicode characters. To be honest, we're doing some pretty weird stuff inside the fcSDK. We're performing database queries using ADO.NET, and then we take the DataRow and convert it into an ADO Recordset, which we return to our COM based applications. We're using ADO recordsets to maintain compatibility with previous objects that were written in VB6 that returned ADO recordsets. When we were populating the ADO recordset, if the data was basic, standard English characters, then all works perfect. ADO recordsets with Unicode data But if the data contained Unicode characters (such as じゃらん), then we would get the ever-so-helpful error: Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value. Basically, this is ADO throwing up its hands in failure. The issue came down to the fact that when we were building…