How to include a solution in a log email

Photo by @justmekirsty
When working a case, we can link a solution to the case, indicating that the given solution resolves the problem at hand.
Now that we’ve linked it, we often want to email that solution to the customer. Using the Canned Responses feature within Dovetail Agent, this is easy to do.
I see two options for how we could email the solution to the customer:
- Send the customer a link to the solution, which allows them to view it online in a Selfservice/WebSupport-type app
- Send the customer the actual solution content
Lets look at how to do both of these options.
Admin Setup – Rule Properties
The first thing we want to do is be sure that our Sys Admin has setup rule properties for the Linked Solution.
Canned Responses uses these rule properties for resolving dynamic variables.
Setup the Canned Response – Send a link
In this first example, I’ve setup a canned response that includes the Solution Title, and a hyperlink to the solution in my Selfservice application
Setup the Canned Response – Send the solution content
In this second example, I’ve setup a canned response that includes the Solution Title, Description, Workaround, and Create Date.
Pick a Canned Response
Now that our canned responses have been setup, when we’re working a case, we can link the solution to the case, and when logging an email to the customer, pick one of the canned responses that we setup.
If we pick the Linked Solution Canned Response:
Notice that the Solution title, and a link to the Solution itself is automatically populated.
If we pick the Linked Solution Content Canned Response:
Notice that the Solution title, description, and workaround are automatically populated.
Whichever canned response you use, hopefully you can see how easy it is to email the solution to the customer.
Which way is better? In classic consultant speak – it depends.
If the solution is short, it might be easier to simply send the entire solution content.
If the solution is longer, or more detailed, sending a link might be better.
I do tend to prefer just sending links, as it helps reinforce to customers that they can use the Selfservice knowledgebase, and search for their own solution.
Whichever way you go, the use of Canned Responses will make things easier.
Hope you find this useful.
Rock on.
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