Using Hyperlinks in the Clarify Classic Client

I’ve been doing a little Clarify Classic Client development lately, and I’ve found I’ve been using hyperlinks more and more as elements on forms as opposed to buttons.
A common usage of hyperlinks is to open URLs, such as a site’s website. But we can also use them to invoke other actions.
Here’s a form that has a few different hyperlinks in action:
There are 4 hyperlinks in play on this form
- 2 Open Subcases (opens the Subcase List form, showing the list of subcases for this case)
- ? (Opens a message box with help text, detailing the Case Title information)
- Copy Case ID to Clipboard (um, copies the case id number to to the clipboard)
- Expand (Opens the case history in a larger/expanded form)
So as you can see, a hyperlink can be used for more than simply opening a webpage using your browser.
I like the hyperlinks as they feel less heavy, visually speaking, than buttons.
What is a hyperlink in Clarify?
A hyperlink is actually just a label, with its Hyperlink property set to Yes.
I also set the Use Link String property set to Yes and the Link String property to blank.
I typically change the ForeColor and Hyperlink Color to blue.
Here’s what the properties of the Copy Case ID to Clipboard hyperlink look like:
Make it do something
Of course, to make it do something, we have to use a bit of ClearBasic code. Just add a click handler to your label control.
Here’s the code behind the “X Open Subcases” label:
Sub OPENSUBCASE_Click() App.ExecuteMenu "Apps", "ClearSupport" App.ExecuteMenu "Select", "Subcases" End Sub
Here’s the CB code behind the Copy Case ID to Clipboard label:
Sub lbl_copy_case_id_Click() Dim recCase As Record Dim origCaption As String origCaption = lbl_copy_case_id.Caption Set recCase = cobj_CASE_OBJ.Contents Dim caseId As String caseId = recCase.GetField("id_number") Clipboard.SetText caseId lbl_copy_case_id.Caption = "Copied!" Sleep(2000) lbl_copy_case_id.Caption = origCaption End Sub
Notice that the code copies the case id to the clipboard, changes the label to say Copied!, then changes the label back to its original value in a couple of seconds.
It’s just a nice little touch.
Here’s a quick video that shows that in action:
If you can’t see the embedded video, here’s the link:
And there you go, one more little trick to add to your Clarify toolbox.
Hope you find this useful.
Rock on.