
Having Rulemanager send SMS notifications via Twitter

May 5, 2008 Kevin had an earlier post discussing how Rulemanager could fire a script that would notify all queue members via Twitter when a case is dispatched to a queue. The script took the queue name as an input, queried the database for the queue members, and then sent a direct Twitter message to each queue member.I liked what he did, and wanted to see if we could take it a step further, and make it more in line with Rulemanager notifications.Making Twitter a first class Notification methodRuleManager already knows how to resolve queue members into individual users, and it knows how to resolve a notification preference of each user, depending on whether the user is on or off work hours, and also based on the urgency of the message.Years ago, many people carried digital pagers, which allowed text messages to be…

Sending notifications to campfire using RuleManager

January 25, 2008 Dovetail is starting to use Campfire more and more. Recently we created a room for our Service and Support staff to hang out in to act as a virtual team room. Using campfire has been very handy. It helps us share knowledge and have an on-going persistent and searchable conversation even when the team members are working remotely. Effective Support Triage   I noticed a pattern where Dan Bergondy would, quite diligently, notify the room when a support case came in. The people present would take a look at the case to triage it and discuss how best to handle it.     Excellent, in 10 minutes we had a game plan and a lot of effective multitasking going on. After this pattern repeated itself a few times, I knew I wanted to automate how Dan was notifying us of new support cases to…

Auto-Destination Rules have nothing to do with RuleManager

December 11, 2007 A very common misconception is that RuleManager is responsible for evaluating Auto-Destination rules. Perhaps it's because both contain the word "rule". Not sure. Let's all say it together: Auto-Destination Rules have nothing to do with RuleManager. Nicely done. OK, now, let's explore auto-destination rules in more detail.What's an Auto-Destination Rule?An auto-destination rule is a mechanism for assisting in the routing of a workflow object  (such as a case) to the correct place.From the Clarify documentation:If your organization is large and uses many queues, auto-destination helps reduce the time a user spends searching for the right queue.Example (in plain English):When dispatching a case with a case type of New Employee, then the case should be routed to the New Employee queue.Example (in Clarify Syntax):OBJECT TYPE="rule", NAME="rule1" UNIQUE_FIELD = "title,operation"     FIELDS         title = "Case";         operation = "DISPATCH";         rule_text…

RuleManager version 1.1 released

July 9, 2007 Dovetail RuleManager 1.1 is now officially available. My previous post has details of what's new in this release. RuleManager Documentation is available online. To obtain this release, create a request using Dovetail SelfService, or send us an email.

Upcoming product release: Dovetail RuleManager 1.1

July 5, 2007 We're currently working on version 1.1 of RuleManager. This version was fueled by customer requests, and should be available very soon.   Here's what's coming in version 1.1: RuleManager can now include attachments for emails initiated via a LogEmail action, which are typically made from within fcClient or the Clarify Client. The application taking that action, such as fcClient or the Clarify Client, is responsible for relating the LogEmail (table_email_log) to the attachment(s) (table_doc_inst). Because RuleManager will only attach files that it has access to, we recommend that the path to the attachment is a UNC path such as "\serverpathfile.ext". If RuleManager cannot access an attachment, the email will still be sent without the attachment. RuleManager will log an error when this situation occurs.The working directory of RuleManager is now the directory where RuleManager is installed. This is relevant when…

Having RuleManager invoke command line scripts

June 26, 2007 I've received a few questions on this recently, so I decided a post is in order.   One of the features in Rulemanager (both the Clarify/Amdocs Rulemanager and the Dovetail Rulemanager) is the ability to have it invoke command line scripts/executables via a business rule action.   For example:   if a case has been in a status of "waiting on customer" for more than 30 days, run a script that will close the case when a new contact is created, run a script that will send the contact data to another system (such as an ERP system) when a case is closed, run a script that will send the customer a satisfaction survey etc.   What kind of scripts can Rulemanager run? Basically, any kind of script or executable, as long as no UI activity or user input is needed.  …

Introducing New Log Email Templates for Cases and Subcases

August 23, 2018 Traditionally, when sending an email out from within Dovetail Agent, (using the Log Email) function, the send_email_about_obj com_tmplte is used. The same email template is used for both cases and subcases. I've discussed this template in past posts: The "From" Address of a Log Email Include a URL to the case in outgoing emails Encouraging SelfService use - Include a link in outgoing emails Example send_email_about_obj template Here's an example of the template: TO: <FOCUS.recipient> CC: <FOCUS.cc_list> FR: <FOCUS.sender> RE: About Case <ADDITIONAL_INFO> : [Case Title] [Subcase Title] <FOCUS.message> Log Email API This template name is coded within the LogEmail API within the Dovetail SDK. We've recently made some enhancements to the LogEmail API to allow for different templates to be used between cases and subcases. We now support two new templates: send_email_about_case send_email_about_subcase   send_email_about_case When performing a log…

Automatically routing cases using Dovetail Carrier’s AutoDest Toolkit Extension

August 15, 2018 Dovetail Carrier has a number of extensions that greatly enhance your Dovetail/Clarify system. One of the more recent extensions is the AutoDest Toolkit Extension.   AutoDest Toolkit Extension This extension allows for automatically assigning or dispatching workflow objects based on an auto-destination rules. Typically, these messages will originate from Dovetail Rulemanager (such as from a business rule action), although they can also originate from custom applications as well. Example Message type=CallToolkit toolkit=AutoDest method=execute ObjectType=case Operation=DISPATCH Id=12345 This example would evaluate the DISPATCH auto-destination rule for case 12345, and if a destination queue is found, the case would be dispatched to that queue. Auto-Dest Rule Here's an example of an auto-destination rule: (calltype2gbst_elm:title = "Equipment Repair") -> "Equipment Repair"; (calltype2gbst_elm:title contains "Payroll" ) -> "Payroll"; (calltype2gbst_elm:title contains "Benefits" ) -> "Benefits"; (title contains "Benefits" ) -> "Benefits"; objid > 0 -> "Support…

What’s New in Dovetail Agent 20

August 13, 2018 We recently released Dovetail Agent version 20. Here’s a run-down of the highlights. Interactions Dovetail Agent now includes Interactions functionality. An Interaction is just that - a way to capture any type of interaction you may have with a customer. In call centers, it's common to capture every call as an interaction. A customer may call into the call center to check on the status of an order, or to inquire about a billing question, etc. Each of these can be captured as an interaction in the system. Create Interaction In many service centers, a case is overkill for tracking these simple inquiries. We want to capture that we've interacted with the customer, but we don't need all of the more complex workflow that goes along with a traditional support case.  But, in some instances, an interaction may…

Automatically Scheduling and Tracking Work Items

April 3, 2018 I recently heard a customer question regarding how to manage scheduled work - such as task-based initiatives that need to be done at specific times of the week, month or year. How could I  setup a task based scheduling system where I could build out my list of tasks, the frequency, attach the job aide/work instructions, then have the system assign it to a specific queue when the time for the task to be done comes up. These would all be scheduled items. Once I set the frequency of the task, there would be an engine/function that would create these tasks. I would also like to be able to report on these tasks, if they were completed, etc. As I was thinking about this, I broke it down into a few items: How could we track/manage an individual piece of work? How…