Author: Sam Tyson

Senior Software Engineer

Sam Tyson
Sam Tyson

Sam works in many different roles, including software design/development/support, testing, documentation, administration, web design, and management. Most focus is on web application development and maintenance.



jQuery, HTML, JavaScript, Usability, CSS, Certified Scrum Master (CSM), C#, VS.NET, ASP.NET, ASP, XML

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Posts by Sam Tyson:

Manage Queue Membership: Making It Easier

July 1, 2008  Dovetail Software, Inc. recently recently received a request from one of our customers to make Queue Membership Management easier and more efficient to use. The screen image to the left shows the Manage Queues form in Dovetail Admin, Version 2.5. When a queue is selected at the top of the form, its current members and supervisors are displayed at the bottom right of the Membership tab.     Adding or changing members and supervisors was done one by one, and with only the login name for each user to determine the identity of each user. The login names are unique, but it can be hard to tell users apart based on login name alone. The new requested functionality to make queue management easier includes adding the first and last name for each user, and allowing multiple users to be added or removed…

Manage Queue Membership: Behind the User Interface

The first step in making the changes was to add the first and last names to each of the membership grids. This simply required changing the data source for the user information from the user table to the empl_user view in both of the user grid pages. The grid_queue_mem.asp and grid_queue_mem2.asp pages each retrieve a list of records from the database, and build a table of user information from the results.   Adding multi-select capability required much more change, so it was time to look for a better way to get the job done. This is where jQuery enters the picture. There is an excellent jQuery plugin available for grids, called jqGrid. There is a lot of capability available, and it allows us to simplify the code.   In the previous version of the form shown above, there is an…

Other Cool Tools

April 14, 2008 I learned about a couple of other cool tools from J.P. Boodhoo last week, and thought I would pass them along.   Console2 This is a replacement for the CMD shell. It is a tabbed window, and each tab can be defined as a different shell process.   Unlocker I just want to delete that folder... Grrrr... here comes Unlocker to the Rescue! Unlocker will pop up after you close the annoying pop-up window, and show you what programs have the file locked, and give you the option to easily free the file. Very nice UI to give you the control that you want (and need)!

Goodbye SlickRun! …

  ... and hello Launchy. This is a minor replacement, but makes life at the keyboard even easier. Like a helpful side-kick, you can train Launchy to open any program with just a few shortcuts. This is the same as SlickRun, but without the magic keyword setup.   You can easily change the configuration to use any hot-key combination for popping up Launchy, then just start typing the name of the program you are trying to launch. If you need to browse for it, it will help you traverse down the folder trees as you type folder names and hit tab for auto-completion.   I am using it like this so far: vs - Visual Studio ue - UltraEdit ff - fireFox fl - Flare ie - Internet Explorer dt - iis - IIS Console     Other cool stuff found…
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