Business Rule: Notifications on customer activities
October 25, 2013
I’ve posted in the past about how to notify the case owner when someone else logs a note to their case. I find this especially useful when a customer does something in SelfService, or responds to an email that is processed by Dovetail Carrier. For example, if a customer logs a note to a case in SelfService, I want to know. If a customer responds to an email, and is automatically logged to a case (via Dovatail Carrier), I want to know. This post recaps information in the previous post, and adds some additional niceties to the notification message. Notification Email Here’s an example of a notification received via email: The business rule Object Type: CaseRule Name/Description: Notify the owner when someone else logs a note to their caseStart Events: Log Note, Close Task, Phone Log, Log Email, Email…