Tag: knowledgebase

What’s New in Dovetail SelfService 3

August 22, 2017 We recently released a major update to the Dovetail SelfService app. There's SO many great new capabilities here.I would group these enhancements into 2 major categories:Dynamic Content, Pages, and Menus - making it easy to create and edit content throughout the app Knowledgebase Enhancements - making the knowledgebase much more prevalent, approachable, and functional Lets take a run through the highlights of this release.  Dynamic Home Page ContentWhen a user logs into SelfService, they're immediately taken to the Home page.In the past, if you wanted to change what was displayed on the home page, you would need to customize the HTML page content, and re-deploy the application.Now, the home page content comes from a solution. So you can easily edit the solution using Dovetail Agent, and the home page is dynamically updated. SelfService Home Page Rich ContentSelfService supports the use of…

Solutions go from boring to kick-ass

February 12, 2015 One of the common complaints with knowledgebase articles (solutions) in Clarify was the fact that they are plain text – even on the web. We’ve recently enhanced solutions so that they are much more robust and useful. Solutions can now contain rich text, images, and videos. Apps This functionality is supported within Dovetail Agent and in Dovetail SelfService. Dovetail Agent: Dovetail SelfService: Examples Here’s a few examples of solutions from our knowledgebase: Rich Text Solutions now support rich text, including: Headers (heading 1 –> heading 6) Italic Bold Superscript Subscript Highlighted text Strikethrough Unordered Lists Ordered Lists HTML links Blockquotes Inline code Task lists Tables Code blocks, including syntax highlighting Typographic replacements – such as © Images As nice as text is, sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, especially in a knowledgebase context. So solutions…