Tag: carrier

Customizing Dovetail Carrier – Creating and Publishing Messages

December 7, 2009 Previously we made a plan to go get Twitter direct messages and publish them into the Dovetail Carrier message bus. Thankfully the Twitter API is pretty simple but there are a few things to worry about.We need to listen to Twitter for direct messages.Transforming and publishing the direct message into the message bus.Host your Twitter polling and publishing service with Carrier.First Things FirstThis is not a cookbook post. I don’t describe each step along the way that I took to create a Carrier Twitter extension. That said I hope to provide the Visual Studio solution and code for this example in a future version of Carrier.A general house keeping item. To start I created a new project solution called Carrier.Extension.Twitter and added references to Carrier.Core and Dovetail.Commons.Carrier Extension AttributeFor now we need a way to tell Carrier that your assembly…

Customizing Dovetail Carrier – Making A Plan

December 4, 2009 Dovetail Carrier facilitates the creation of an enterprise message bus where messages can be produced and more importantly consumed. We have included a framework for creating sets of rules that act as consumers of messages coming into the system. I will be doing a series of posts around creating custom extensions for Carrier. The goal of these posts is to educate you and to force me to shine a light on the Carrier customization story in order find the rough edges begging to be smoothed out. Here is what we are going to cover. Making A Plan (you are here) Creating and Publishing Messages Consuming messages with RuleSets Whatever Shall We Do? To make all this a little more bearable. Let’s set the stage by creating a goal to shoot for while learning how to customize Carrier. This will all…
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